HTML5 | CSS3About me
Results-oriented person, Information Management major (3.1 GPA) currently attending 國立暨南國際大學, with 2+ years of work experience. Aiming to leverage a proven knowledge of web design skills to successfully fill the Web Developer role at your company. Frequently praised as adaptable by my peers, I can be relied upon to help your company achieve its goals.
我是印尼華僑,目前就讀於國立暨南大學資訊管理學系,目前四年級。我對很多東西都有興趣,例如攝影、設計,當然還有網頁開發。目前,我正在做與機器學習相關的專題,可以透過手機拍攝眼球外觀的照片就能辨識是否罹患白內障。我在團隊中擔任技術長跟設計的工作,我使用 Keras 跟 React 來完成這個系統,我希望透過這個系統能讓更多人以簡單且有效的工具做初步診斷。而我專題的 Logo 也是由我設計的。
除了專題外,我還幫忙東海大學的老師做一個計畫網站,在裡頭有 Podcast 能夠幫助在台外國人解決生活上的問題。同時,我還擔任過學校的印尼學生會副會長,我除了幫忙製作印尼學生會的網頁,我還有幫忙製作了一個點名系統,讓活動進行的時候更順暢。我也有擔任系學會的美宣組長,我為系上設計了外套
if you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything
Web Design
HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | jQuery | ReactJS | ...
Web Development
PHP | JavaScript | MySQL | TensorflowJS |...
Portrait | Astro | Sports | Architecture | Aerial | Event | Travel | Landscape | Street | ...
Python | Java | C# | ...
Graphic Design
Photoshop | Lightroom | ...
Premiere Pro | After Effects | Audition | ...
Photography is the story I fail to put into words.